Данные задания на слоовообразование в английском языке составлены по материалам пособия «Сборник тестов для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку» (М. Вербицкая, Малколм Манн и др.) и входят в цикл «Английский язык. Подготовка к ЕГЭ. СЛОВООБРАЗОВАНИЕ». Задания на словообразование рекомендуется выполнять после изучения теоретического материала, ссылки на который даны перед упражнениями.
Словообразование. Задания в формате ЕГЭ
- Задания на суффиксы существительного
- Задания на суффиксы и префиксы прилагательного
- Задания на суффиксы и префиксы глагола
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Суффиксы существительного
Задание 1. Измените слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию предложения.
Слово «лексически» означает, что к слову нужно добавить суффикс или префикс.
Слово «грамматически» означает, что к преобразованному слову, возможно, нужно добавить окончание.
ПРИМЕР. Animal __________ will enjoy the performance. love
Animal lovers will enjoy the performance. — Любители животных получат удовольствие от представления.
Здесь требуется поставить существительное — lover во мн. число, исходя из контекста.
- This __________ is passed through the generations. able
- Stress is the ___________ with which syllables are pronounced. strong
- His ______________led him to discovering a lot of information. curious
- This book contains _________of the centuries. wise
- This film takes me back to my ____________. child
- The ___________of this corridor was surprising. long
- It will be disastrous for the ___________. human
- I appreciate our ___________. friend
- I will die of ____________if I live that long. bored
- The __________of her feelings was unexpected for me. warm
- The____________is given to particularly bright students. scholar
- He was famous for his ___________ . serious
- The ___________of this song is incredible. popular
- We were surprised at the _________in her speech. differ
- It is easy to learn how to do this _________. active
- The airplane started to lose __________. high
Задание 2. Form nouns from the words in bold.
- The Hercules was famous for his _________ . strong
- The ____________of the swimming pool was about 5 meters. wide
- I was surprised by the ______________ of the tablecloth. white
- The _________of the Tower and the __________ of the walls made it a perfect prison. high, thick
- The ___________was delayed by fog for an hour. fly
- Giving alive ___________is quite different from performing on a film. perform
- Our ___________to predict the weather depends on the information we have. able
- Another major ____________is the shape of the ball. different
- The __________of the baseball is very great in America. popular
- Much of his ________ Chekhov lived in severe poverty. child
- The ______of London since then has been incredible. grow
- We moved to our new ______________last spring. resident
- Many encyclopedias state with __________that the Nile is the longest river in the world. confident
- Her acting is closer to __________. real
- The story of the dodo`s ___________is one example of man`s effect on the environment. disappear
- He had ____________in finding a job. difficult
- Each _____________is worth considering. possible
Задание 3. Form nouns from the words in bold.
- The ______________ of this building took 20 years from start to finish. construct
- Famous __________were held in the Tower. prison
- Many _____________come to London each year. visit
- Before the ____________of the hot air balloon, no human had ever successfully flown into the air. invent
- The first successful __________was in 1783. fly
- The ___________of the balloon depends on the wind. direct
- The _____________and response of the audience can affect how the actor feels and performs. behave
- They want to have the opportunity to do some real _____. act
- London is an ideal place nightlife ____________. entertain
- Special _____________is used to collect weather data. equip
- He never seemed to be interested in ____________. educate
- An _______________called Clarence went on an expedition to Canada with his family. explore
- He is famous for his finding the __________to the problem. solve
- His success was an remarkable_______. achieve
- The ____________of its place is unknown. locate
- What is your ______________of the performance? impress
Задание 4. Form nouns from the words in bold.
- ________will find these products on sale in the supermarkets. shop
- In New York he became a ____________at drama school. study
- The ship left for New York with a crew of seven professional _________. sail
- To the crew’s__________ they discovered that nobody was on the island. astonish
- Each flag has its additional _____________. mean
- Another ___________started at once. argue
- Brighton is an ideal place for____________ . relax
- There are eleven ___________in each team in cricket. play
- They tried to persuade the ______________to introduce new laws. govern
- The road __________must be improved. safe
- Finding a good job is uneasy without proper ____________. qualify
- Many people consider the ____________of moving away. possible
- It is necessary to fill the _______________form. apply
- The rate of _________________is very high. employ
- You have a great _____________. imagine
- To our great ___________, it started to rain. disappoint
- The better your education is, the less_____________you will have in finding a job. difficult
Суффиксы и префиксы прилагательного
Задание 5. Form adjectives from the words in bold.
- Huge ___________dinosaurs used to walk on the Earth. power
- There are a lot of ______________courses to improve your skills. train
- This private boat carried a cargo of _______________products. commerce
- The dodo lived on an island where he had no ___________enemies. nature
- There are hundreds of ______________hotels in sunny Brighton. comfort
- Enjoy delicious dishes in ____________ restaurants. fashion
- Taking part in this attraction can be a bit ______. risk
- The story describes the ______________action of people. hero
- _________plays are staged on Broadway. vary
- The road was in ________________condition. excellence
- The _____________method is always in great use. help
- My father doesn’t buy _____________newspapers. expense
- Who is _______________for making changes in our society? response
- The Russians are considered to be very _____________. hospitality
- The ______________equipment needs to be checked. electricity
- I was impressed by French ______________cuisine. delicacy
- She is not self- ________________. confidence
- The job will give him more _______________freedom. artist
- Paul’s Cathedral is an _________________building. impress
- In the old days the only ___________means of transport was the horse. person
- The trip was very ______________. benefit
- Is your answer _______________ from mine? differ
Задание 6. Form adjectives from the words in bold. Mind the prefix UN-
- Two _____________brothers Montgolfier were responsible for designing the first air balloon. France
- The design of the balloon was based on ____________________law. science
- Some ________________flyers have had an accident. fortunate
- The first ________________flight was in 1783. success
- You can go on a _______________ride on a horse back. enjoy
- He had an ____________________idea. imagine
- More ______________visitors can try «The Vampire Ride». adventure
- Riding fast high above the park can be a ______________experience . scare
- Nature is so ___________________that’s why we cannot forecast more than for a few days. predict
- _______ people or things existed in the past are considered to be a part of history. history
- ____________baseball began in the USA in 1865. profession
- In the USA baseball is considered as a __________sport. nation
- It will be an ________________experience for me. forget
- He started his own business and became ________________. wealth
- The bridge was very ________________. use
- It has become the place of _______________importance. globe
- At first sight it seems _________________. believe
- The situation is becoming more __________________. understand
- She is a very _________________woman. effect
- Everyone fell _____________in the room. silence
- It was the most _________________journey I have ever had. please
- It is ___________to drive without seatbelt. legal
Задания в формате ЕГЭ. Суффиксы и префиксы глагола
Задание 7. Form verbs from the words in bold.
- He _______________ and lay on the bed. dress
- He could enter the house because the door was ___________. lock
- The usual practice at the History lesson is to ___________texts. tell
- The exercise must be ________________. write
- Teachers sometimes _____________students. understand
- When the child ______________ she was unable to cope with him. behave
- The parents ____________ the child to go out late at night. allow
- When the days begin to ____________then the cold begins to _____________. long/ strong
- They’re trying to _____________our name. black
- The snow ____________the mountain tops. white
- He was ____________by his family to learn music at a young age. courage
- The town is ______________by fortified walls. circle
- The route was built to ______________trucks to get around a waterfall. able
- No argument can __________a war. just
- If you ____________ a substance, you make it pure by removing any dirty substances from it. pure
- You have ______________him as an ambitious person. character
- His mother rarely___________ him or any of her children. critic
- I’m sure Rose will _____________many of us. live
Задание 8. Form verbs from the words in bold.
- The symptoms of her illness have____________. appear
- The student__________the teacher and did the wrong exercise. hear
- Last week the government ______________ the citizens about the political situation in the country. inform
- His own mind was ___________and ______________by foreign travel. large/rich
- Martin ___________all the people in the area. He died at the age of 101. live
- The elderly are usually _______________with the young. satisfy
- Nowadays the risk of serious illness has________. less
- Do you mean to____________ me? threat
- Unfortunately, the cooperation between two countries was _______________. organize
- The line was ___________, though not dead. connect
- I am very ________________ with you. appoint
- The students _______________ the teacher. obey
- What does the emblem _______________? symbol
- If someone_________a word, they spell it wrongly. spell
- Don’t let this ______________ you. courage
- He recognized her voice and his face ____________. soft
- The men tried to __________ each other in their generosity. do
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