В этой статье я рассмотрю все английские союзы (уровень intermediate) по группам: причины и следствия, времени, условия, цели, противопоставления и соединительные конструкции. Примеры предложений с союзами и большое количество упражнений поможет вам разобраться с ними и чувствовать себя уверенно при чтении текстов на английском языке. Итак, продолжаем изучение английских союзов.
Английские союзы. Список (уровень 2, intermediate)
Вводное упражнение. Вставьте that’s why, otherwise, because, though, in spite of the fact.
- While doing BASE jumping people jump from bridges, buildings or cliffs. …. it is called BASE.
- I will never give up this sport … I have already got injured.
- We swam a lot … the water was rather cold.
- Doing extreme sports you should have good equipment … you could have an injury.
- I am not very good at sports … I am overweight.
- I have never thought about babysitting …. I don’t mind working with children.
- People do extreme sports …. they are very dangerous.
- I studied Chemistry very hard …. I wanted to be a physician.
- He likes to develop his body. …. he has started doing sports.
- You should know irregular verbs …. you can speak English fluently.
ОТВЕТЫ для самопроверки (в конце урока)
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I. Сочинительные союзы
- or else – иначе
- as well as — так же как
- Hurry up or else will be late. – Поторопись, иначе мы опоздаем.
- He knows it as well as I do. – Он знает это, так же как и я.
Соединительные конструкции:
both … and, either … or, neither … or, not only … but also
* * *
II. Подчинительные союзы
Причины и следствия:
- as – так как
- for – так как, ибо
- because (в начале предложения) – так как
- since – поскольку
- As I am tired I don’t want to go shopping. – Так как я устал, я не пойду за покупками.
- Jane went away for she felt bad. – Джейн ушла, так как плохо себя чувствовала.
- Because the UK is an island state, the people often go to the seaside at weekends. – Так как Соединенное королевство – островное государство, люди часто ездят на побережье в выходные.
- Since she doesn’t know his phone number, she can’t call him. – Так как она не знает его номера телефона, она не может позвонить ему.
as – в качестве;
for – в течение;
since– c;
because of – из-за.
ПРИМЕР He works as a teacher. – Он работает учителем.
Читать подробнее Like VS As (разница в употреблении)
ПРИМЕР He worked as a teacher for 2 years. – Он работал учителем в течение двух лет.
Читать подробнее Предлоги For & Since
ПРИМЕР I am late because of the traffic jam. – Я опоздал из-за этой пробки.
- while – пока, в то время как
- as soon as – как только
- since – с тех пор как
- till, until – до тех пор пока
- She was thinking about him while she was reading. – Она думала о нем, пока читала.
- I will visit him as soon as he invites me. – Я навещу его, как только он меня пригласит.
- She has been travelling since she divorced. – Она путешествует, с тех пор как развелась.
- He will learn the words until (till) he remembers them. – Он будет учить слова, пока не запомнит их.
- unless – если не
- in case – в случае
- on condition that, provided (that), providing – при условии что
provided (союз) – при условии что
provide (глагол) – обеспечивать; to provide – provided – provided
- I will finish my work tonight unless I am too tired. – Я закончу работу сегодня, если я не слишком устану.
- Take an umbrella in case it rains. – Возьми зонтик на случай, если пойдет дождь.
- I will give you some money on condition that you return it. – Я дам тебе денег при условии, что ты их вернешь.
- in order that – чтобы
- so that – для того чтобы
- Leave the money here in order that I can take it. — Оставь деньги здесь, чтобы я мог их взять.
- Jane tried to help us with packing luggage so that we didn’t miss the train. – Джейн помогла нам упаковать багаж, чтобы мы не опоздали на поезд.
- although (though) – хотя
- in spite of (the fact that) – несмотря на
- Although my friend is busy, he often comes to see me. – Хотя мой друг очень занят, он часто меня навещает.
- The sisters came to school in spite of the fact that they were ill. – Сестры пришли в школу несмотря на то, что они заболели.
or else, as well as (сочинительные — 2)
as, for, because, since, while, as soon as, since, till (until), unless, in case, on condition that, provided (providing), in order that, so that, although (though), in spite of (подчинительные -16).
На уровне изучения английского языка Advanced мы рассмотрим редко употребляемые союзы и конструкции, которые остались за кадром: as if, as though – как если бы; так как будто; lest – чтобы… не; where (wherever) – где бы, куда бы; и некоторые другие. А сейчас приступаем к упражнениям.
Английские союзы. Упражнения
Упражнение 1. Укажите русский эквивалент для выделенных английских слов.
- As he was busy, he didn’t come.
1) в качестве
2) так как
3) как
4) по мере того как
- He works as an engineer.
1) так как
2) в качестве
3) когда
4) по мере того как
- As he came too early, he didn’t find anybody there.
1) в качестве
2) так как
3) когда
4) как
- As you know, Russia is a large country.
1) так как
2) как
3) когда
4) в качестве
- He couldn’t come for he was busy.
1) для
2) в течении
3) так как
4) до
- He was working for several hours.
1) так как
2) в течение
3) для
4) до тех пор пока
- Look at that man.
1) та
2) что
3) эти
4) который
- The book that you see is on art.
1) те
2) эти
3) которая
4) та
- He thinks that he will know English.
1) который
2) эти
3) тот
4) что
- That he knows English is quite clear.
1) что
2) то что
3) тот
4) который
Упражнение 2. Укажите английский эквивалент для выделенных русских слов.
- I couldn’t come to the meeting (так как ) I was very busy.
- if
- for
- but
- (Поскольку) you have come, let’s discuss the problem.
- but
- if
- since
- (Если только) you translate this article by the end of the week, we shall be able to return the magazine to the library on Monday.
- as
- because
- provided
- Our teacher (обеспечил) us with new textbooks.
- gave
- provided
- sent
- Выберите правильный перевод парных союзов: 1) как….так и…. 2) или….или 3) ни….ни….
- either…. or….
- both ……and…..
- neither…..nor
Упражнение 3. Перепишите предложения, соединив их подходящими по смыслу союзами: as, because, though, when.
- The car jumped all the time. There were many stones on the road.
- Everybody was too tired to answer. She continued to ask questions.
- We arrived at the station at last. We discovered the last train had left five minutes before.
- He felt very worried. His face remained calm.
- The girls were in a wonderful mood. Their performance was a complete success.
- We have received only a postcard from him. He left a month ago.
- He decided to settle on the seashore. He wanted his son to spend as much time as possible in the open air.
Упражнение 4. Вставьте а- although, b — in spite of, c — because, d -because of
In spite of + существительное
Despite + существительное
In spite of the fact that + придаточное предложение
- We enjoyed the trip despite (in spite of) all the difficulties at the very beginning.
- We enjoyed the trip in spite of the fact that there were difficulties at the very beginning.
- I arrived on time ….the traffic was bad.
- We accepted the job…..the low salary.
- I went to the theatre….my mother’s wish.
- We enjoyed our picnic …..the rain.
- They didn’t go to the park …. it was raining hard.
- He managed to walk to the forest….. his foot was broken.
- We were late for the meeting … we couldn’t find our key to lock the door.
- My child couldn’t get to sleep ….the loud music.
- I’m sure he will pass his exam ….he didn’t work hard.
- Leo couldn’t eat…. the fact that he was very hungry.
Упражнение 5. Вставьте a — in case, b – unless, с — as long as, d – as
- We took a taxi…..it was very late.
- I didn’t go out ….Ann could phone.
- You won’t pass the exam… you work much harder.
- You can use my car….you drive carefully.
- He won’t know what to do…..he listen carefully.
- I’ll draw a map for you…. you cant’ find our house.
- I burnt myself….I was taking a hot dish out of the oven.
- We sit here in the corner….. you’d rather sit over there.
- That new came …. a complete surprise to me.
- Write your name on your bag….you lose it.
Упражнение 6. Вставьте a — as if, b – like, с — for, d – during
as if — как будто
like – как
for – в течение + период времени, например for two years;
during – в течение + существительное; during that spring.
- Everybody looked happy ….. they were on holiday.
- She didn’t look…..she was enjoying it.
- It rained…..some days without stopping.
- I don’t know anyone ….you.
- You look…. you’ve been in a fight.
- They think they’ll go away…..a few days.
- There were many interruptions…… the President’s speech.
- He’s 30 but sometimes he behaves … a child.
- She sounded …. she didn’t want to come.
- Before that she was out of work…..some months.
Упражнение 7. Вставьте a — while, b – until, с — so that, d – than
- We stayed at a very comfortable hotel…. we were in New York.
- Give me your address… I can find you.
- I’ll never speak to her again ….. she apologizes to me.
- She wrote the composition sooner …..we expected.
- I hurt my leg….. I was doing the house work.
- I’ll wait for you ….. your lesson is over.
- I think I’ll wait ….Thursday before making a decision.
- His report was better …..we suggested.
- I’ll take a warm jacket with me ….I can put it on if the weather is cold.
- What did he say about me…. I was out?
Упражнение 8. Выберите правильный вариант.
ПРИМЕР My flight was delayed due to (because of) the fog. — Мой рейс был задержан из-за тумана.
- (So/ Because) of the fact that there was a snowstorm, all train departures were cancelled.
- (Because / Due to) the traffic, I arrived at the office late.
- I’d like to spend a weekend in the mountainous area (because/ that’s why) I’m fond of climbing.
- Australia is separated from the other continents. (Due to / That’s why) its wildlife is so unique.
- Probably, (that’s why/ due to) its geographical position and landscapes, Australia’s population is very small.
- I heard a noise (so / because) I got out of bed and turned the light on.
- I do it well (because / that’s why) I have trained a lot.
- She got the job (because/ that’s why) she was the best candidate.
- It was (due to/ so) the fact that his car had got stuck in the snow.
- He often says unpleasant things. (Due to/ That’s why) I don’t like him.
Упражнение 9. Переведите на английский язык. (из учебника Практическая гоамматика ангдийского языка, авторы К.Н.Качалова, Е.Е.Израилевич, стр.534)
1. Я не хотел бы идти туда; кроме того, сейчас слишком поздно. 2. Вы должны идти туда немедленно, иначе вы опоздаете. 3. Я чувствовал себя плохо, поэтому я пошел прямо домой. 4. Я устал; все же я хочу пойти туда сегодня вечером. 5. Он очень молод; однако он очень хороший инженер. 6. Этот рассказ слишком труден для него; кроме того, он не очень интересный. 7. Я должен сделать это сегодня, а то она на меня рассердится. 8. Наденьте пальто, а то вы простудитесь.
Это вся информация про английские союзы. Упражнения на союзы вы выполнили и, надеюсь, запомнили их перевод. Теперь читайте тексты на английском языке и, конечно, английские книги))
Вводное упражнение. Ответы для самопроверки.