Давайте будем активизировать изученные английские слова по теме «Problems of the young» (Teenage Problems). Эта тема не столько сложная, сколько объемная, потому что проблем у молодых людей действительно много. Предлагаемые ниже упражнения помогут вам окончательно разобраться в этом и не допустить проблем на экзамене по английскому.
Teenage Problems. Упражнения (уровни beginner-intermediate)
Teenage problems. Упражнения (уровень 1)
1. Problems with Parents
Упражнение 1. Answer the questions and give your reasons: Why or why not?
allow – разрешать
let – разрешать (синоним; используется только в дейст. залоге)
make – заставлять
1) Do you think all teenagers have problems?
2) Do you get along with your parents?
3) Do your parents let you go out in the evening? Why or why not?
4) Do your parents allow you to invite your friends home? Why or why not?
5) Are you allowed to have a pet? Why or why not?
6) Are you allowed to watch TV late at night? Why or why not?
7) Are you happy with your life?
Упражнение 2. Finish the sentences.
1. My mother makes me ….
2. My grandmother lets me…
3. My father doesn’t allow me to …
4. I am allowed to …
5. I am made to …
Упражнение 3. Solve the crossword.
- страдать
- ссориться
- убеждать
- спорить
- обменивать
- мечтать
- уважать
- вести себя
- осознавать
- доказывать
Ответы к некоторым упражнениям вы найдете в конце урока!
Упражнение 4. Translate the adjectives and answer the questions.
- What are your parents like?
- What are you like?
Запомните новые прилагательные: indulgent — потворствующий, indifferent — безразличный, considerate — чуткий
2. School Problems
Упражнение 5. What is school for you?
- a place where you make friends:
- a place which help you to find a good job in future;
- a place where children make fun;
- a place where you get knowledge;
- a place where you write tests and take exams.
Упражнение 6. What don’t you like about your school? What is your idea of a perfect school?
1. Write about the building, timetable (time the lessons start and finish, the breaks, the number of lessons a day, subjects), uniform, rules/ discipline.
2. Start like this: To my mind, a perfect school should be / have…
3. Use the phrases:
1. brightly decorated/ gloomy building — красиво раскрашенное/ мрачное здание
2. modern/ typical building — современное/типичное здание
3. offer any subjects students are interested in — предлагать любые предметы, которые интересуют учащихся
4. have no boring and useless subjects — не имеют скучных и бесполезных предметов
5. have no special uniform — нет формы
6. prepare for real life — готовят к реальной жизни
7. listen to students’ opinion — прислушиваются к мнению учащихся
8. treat each other with respect — общаются друг с другом с уважением
9. have no tests — не проводят тесты
10. have good/ bad discipline at the lessons such as… — на уроках … хорошая/ плохая дисциплина
3. Pocket Money
Упражнение 7. Make up 10 sentences on the table.
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Teenage problems. Упражнения (уровень 2 — intermediate)
1.2. Problems with Parents
Упражнение 8. Do you know these words on the topic «Misunderstanding in a Family»? Make up 10 sentences.
to misunderstand, cause misunderstanding, the causes of misunderstanding, generation, generation gap, freedom, independence, justice, respect, family reunion (10);
Упражнение 9. What do you think is the common reason of family quarrels? Write the statements in order of importance. Give your own example.
1. unfair punishments
2. unequal rights
3. too many responsibilities
4. lack of independence (dependence on parents)
5. bad behavior/ disobedience
Use the words: obey, ignore, refuse, refuse to help, refuse to share, refuse to obey, answer back.
Упражнение 10. Translate into English.
1. Учитель заставляет ее говорить по-английски на уроке английского.
2. Что побудило тебя написать ему письмо?
3. Мама хочет, чтобы он сходил в магазин.
4. Ты хочешь, чтобы я помог тебе?
5. Почему ты это сказал?
6. Ему не на кого положиться.
7. Мы против несправедливых наказаний.
8. Я ненавижу, когда меня высмеивают.
9. Я не могу поладить с старшей сестрой.
10. Какие проблемы есть в твоей семье?
Упражнение 11. Fill the gaps with your own words.
• clothes
• marks
• behavior
• pocket money
1. I prefer wearing…..but my mother wants me to look more ….
2. I try to do my best at school but my parents aren’t … with my marks.
3. I am not …. to go out late at night.
4. I always ask for …. when I want to …. my friends home.
5. My parents don’t let me to watch …. programmes on TV.
6. They … me like a child. I am so depressed about it.
7. I need … money to buy… But my parents don’t allow me to get a job.
Упражнение 12. Translate the sentences with Complex Object. Make sure that you know the words in bold. Make up your own sentences with them.
1. Parents want their children to respect them.
2. Parents don’t want their children to ignore them.
3. Children don’t want their parents to shout at them.
4. Children don’t want their parents make fun of them.
5. Parents don’t let their children make fun of each other.
6. Teenagers don’t want to be dependent on parents.
7. Parents want their children to be independent.
8. All people want to have somebody to rely on.
9. All children want to have somebody to talk to.
10. His father wants us to obey him.
11. Her father wants her to have too many responsibilities.
12. Our mother doesn’t want us to quarrel with each other.
13. Our mother wants us to live in peace.
Упражнение 13. Translate the sentences with Complex Object. Make sure that you know the words in bold. Make up your own sentences with them.
1. I want him to give me advice.
2. I don’t want you to argue with me.
3. I expect her to advise me how to solve the problem.
4. All parents expect their children to obey them.
5. His father advised us to share the TVset.
6. Mother makes her children tidy up their room.
7. His classmate refused to help.
8. She has nobody to talk to.
9. They have nobody to rely on.
10. I expect all people to have equal rights.
11. She doesn’t want them to depend on her.
12. I don’t want us to have an argument.
13. I expect us to discuss the situation.
2.2. School Problems
Упражнение 14. Answer the questions.
1. What don’t you like about your teachers?
2. Do your classmates have problems with teachers in your school?
3. What is the most common reason?
4. Do teachers punish students in your school? What for?
5. What kind of punishment do they use?
6. Should a teacher be strict enough?
7. Should a teacher have a sense of humour?
8. Should a teacher try to make the lessons motivating?
9. Can a teacher shout at the students?
10. What is your idea of a perfect teacher?
Упражнение 15. Express your opinion about a perfect teacher.
1. Use the words: be late for classes, make noise at the lessons, give bad marks, argue with, get on well with, make fun of, be polite, have a sense of humour, behave badly, punish, miss classes.
2. Start like this: To my mind, a perfect teacher should be / have / do / allow ….
Упражнение 16. Give a definition.
Упражнение 17. Fill in the gaps with the words: to provoke, to dye, to ignore, embarrassed, to point out, to pick up, to cross smb’s mind, to talk over, strict
1. She chose… all their rules.
2. Whenever I… …that all my friends had Saturday jobs, they replied , «We do not care what they do».
3. This just made her parents very …. .
4. I knew I was going to be really …when my father came… … me… .
5. This made me so angry that I did whatever I could …them.
6. I … my hair white blonde.
7. It never … my …that they were probably just worried about me.
8. I agreed to go home and …things …with my father.
3. Fashion
1. look lovely/ wild / defiant — выглядеть мило/ дико / вызывающе
2. wear torn jeans/ high-heel shoes — носить рваные джинсы / туфли на высоком каблуке
3. wear heavy make up — быть сильно накрашенной
3. fashionable/ stylish/ trendy — модный / стильный / ультрамодный
4. old-fashioned/ torn/ shabby — старомодный / рваный / поношенный
5. casual / smart — повседневный / нарядный
5. It depends. — Когда как.
6. It depends on the occasion. — Это зависит от мероприятия.
7. for going out – на выход
8. have modern haircut, dyed (colored) hair — иметь модную стрижку / крашеные волосы
9. follow fashion — следовать моде
10. wear the same style clothing as your friends do — носить такой же стиль, что и друзья
11. match the popular idea of beauty — соответствовать популярному представлению о красоте
12. show off your wealth by wearing rich outfits (наряд) — кичиться богатым нарядом
13. show off independence by … — казаться независимым путем …
Упражнение 18. Express your opinion on fashion.
1) Fashion is my passion: ( I enjoy…, I hate it when…., I prefer…., I am sure…., If I had…..)
2) Clothes do not make the man, but…..(I like if people…., My friends….., Fashion….., To follow fashion……, It’s more important…..,To be honest…. If I had…..)
3) I don’t care what to wear. (I don’t care ….., More than that….., I think….., It’s not a problem….., Besides….., Who cares…., If I had…..)
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4. Health Problems. Addiction
Упражнение 19. Read the talk and translate the words from Russian into English.
Talk about Computers
Helen: Computers are doing a lot of … (вред). We begin to forget how … (занимать) our … (свободное) time. For instance, we … (имели обыкновение) to have hobbies or to go outside for … (развлечений). Now all our free time … (отдано) to computers.
Tom: Well, nobody … (заставляет) you use a computer. If you don’t like it, you may … (выключить его). But why do you forget what a great… (количество) of information we get! We must use a computer to be … (хорошо информированными). It gives us wonderful… (возможности) for … (образования). … (Кроме того), there is a great … (разнообразие) of programmes.
Helen: Yes, I agree, but I’m always under the … (впечатлением) that little by little computers cut us off from the real … (мир). We choose … (проводить) a fine day glued to our seats rather than go out into the world itself. Computers may be a splendid … (источник) of information but it prevents us from … (общения) with real people.
Tom: But when you don’t use a computer for a long time you … (обнаруживаешь) how much you miss it.
Helen: I think, a computer makes you its … (рабом).
Tom: Oh, no, it’s an … (абсурдная) idea. Computers … (обогащают) our intellect. They give us … (возможность) to communicate with people all over the world. We can learn the latest … (новости) and the freshest information. In my … (мнению), computers are a great… (сила) in the world!
Which do you agree: Helen or Tom? What is your opinion of computers?
Упражнение 20. Make up sentences on the table.
These are common types of addiction:
• Drugs (taking drugs)
• Smoking
• Drinking alcohol
Упражнение 21. Make up a list of arguments against bad habits. Which of the argfuments are the most convincing?
New words to remember:
1. argument – довод, аргумент;
2. to convince – убеждать;
3. measure – мера;
4. to affect = to influence — влиять
5. to result in — иметь следствием
Упражнение 22. Make up sentences on the table.
EXAMPLE 1. Smoking makes your teeth yellow.
EXAMPLE 2. If you drink alcohol, you will have slow reactions.
Упражнение 23. Answer the questions.
- What do you think is the best age to be?
- Are there any things that the old can teach the young? Should they teach them or it is better to live them alone so that they could find out about such dangers as drinking achohol and taking drugs by themselves?
- What things were you taught by the older people in your family?
- Are the young people generally more selfish than their parents (grandparents)?
- Some people say that the girls (women) are usually three years more mature than boys (men). Do you agree?
- What do you think is the ideal age for each of these stages of life?
a. Starting school
b. Starting dating
c. Leaving school/ starting work
d. Leaving parents’ home
e. Getting married
f. Having a child
g. Retiring - Are you afraid of getting old?
- What is the ideal age to live to?
Упражнение 24. Read the text “Bulling” and write an essay on the following:
Some teenagers say that bullying can be stopped only if you ask your friends to help punish the bully. Others say that it could be dangerous and only adults can help.
1. Введение. Начинать с общего представления темы (e.g. Bullying is one of the most common teenage problems…), подчеркивая тот факт, что относиться к этой проблеме можно по-разному: наказывать хулиганов самому, с помощью своих друзей или ждать вмешательства взрослых.
2. Основная часть. Представить аргументы «за» вмешательство взрослых (e.g. Some teenagers say that…) и «против» их вмешательства (e.g. Others believe that…) в двух отдельных абзацах.
3. Заключение. Подвести итог сказанному (e.g. All in all…). Выразить надежду на компромисс (e.g. One can only hope that…). Если есть собственное мнение «за» или «против», постарайтесь коротко высказаться (e.g. All things considered, I believe that … In my opinion,…). Если лично вы за вмешательство взрослых в подобные конфликты, значит абзац с аргументами «за» их вмешательство из вашей основной части должен предшествовать заключению. Если вы против такого вмешательства и считаете обращение за помощью доносительством, то логично перед заключением в основной части поместить абзац с аргументами «против», а уже в заключении присоединиться к ним.
1. Введение. The problem/issue/phenomenon of … is/appears to be/has always been …
The most worrying trend is … Teenagers/People always say/have always said/ thought/believed/agreed that…
One of the reasons for that is possibly the fact that… It is a controversial/burning/hot question… There is a dispute/discussion/no agreement…
2. Основная часть. On the one hand.. .on the other hand; Firstly, To begin with, Secondly, Finally, In addition, Besides, Moreover, What is more, Furthermore, However, Despite this, In spite of this, In fact, As a matter of fact, As a result, Consequently, etc.
3. Заключение. This would be the best way of… I wonder what other teenagers/people think about this issue. All in all, I am sure…
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