Данные проблемные тексты на английском языке по теме «Shopping» рекомендуются для чтения при подготовке к экзамену по английскому языку (например, ЕГЭ). Тексты содержат злободневную информацию и могут быть использованы при написании эссе по теме «Shopping», а также активизации словарного запаса по теме «Shopping & Fashion». Чтение данных текстов рекомендуется ПОСЛЕ изучения списков английских слов по данной теме, а также выполнения упражнений — Clothes & Fashion. Упражнения для закрепления лексики
Texts in English on the topic «Shopping» (upper-intermediate)
Покупайте больше. Больше! Пока не свалитесь с ног от усталости, пока не потратите все до копейки, пока не умрете…! Да, мы все потребители. Но стоит ли продолжать образ жизни, являющийся причиной загрязнения и социальной несправедливости?
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New Words to Learn for State Exam:
- consumer — потребитель
- to cause — служить причиной, вызывать
- social injustice — социальная несправедливость
- concerned — озабоченный, беспокоящийся
- research — исследовательская работа, изучение
- expert — эксперт, специалист
- vital — (жизненно) важный, насущный
- to capture — завладеть, захватить, увлечь, завоевать
- to appeal — привлекать, заманивать
- top dollars — огромные деньги
- prime-time programmes передачи, которые идут в вечерние часы и которые смотрят максимальное количество телезрителей
- segment — слой (населения)
- to reveal — обнаруживать, показывать, открывать
- ad agency – рекламное агентство
- soft spot — слабое, уязвимое место
- to watch out — остерегаться, быть начеку
- to set a trend — задавать направление, моду
- marketer — специалист по маркетингу
- eagerly — с нетерпением, жадно
Text № 1. Shop till you Drop (upper-intermediate)
Shop till you drop, spend till the end, buy till you die. We are all consumers. But can we afford to continue a lifestyle that causes pollution and social injustice?
Imagine a room filled with people talking about you. They are discussing your likes and dislikes, your needs, your habits, your dreams. Who do you think they are? Concerned parents? Wrong.
These people are marketing directors. They spend millions of dollars and thousands of hours doing market research to study your spending habits. Why? The answer is simple: money.
Teenagers are the largest-growing market in the world. According to one teen-marketing expert, every year American teenagers spend $89 billion. So it’s vital for companies to capture the young consumer before the competition does. ‘How do we appeal to teenagers?’ It is a very important question for those with something to sell.
Television is the most powerful means for advertisers aiming at teens. MTV has over 200 companies paying top dollars to advertise on their prime-time programmes. According to the head of Sales and Marketing for Pepsi-Cola, ‘MTV is aimed at the segment we want to reach: teenagers.’
The New York advertising agency BSB Worldwide recently videotaped the bedrooms of teenagers in 25 countries. Their goal? To find out what the ‘global teenager’ is like. The videotapes revealed remarkable similarities: the same jeans, the same trainers, the same posters of music and sport stars on the walls. What interests ad agencies such as BSB Worldwide? Not only what you buy, but also what music you listen to, what movies you go to, what you do in your free time. They know more about you than you think. They know how to appeal to your emotions. They know all your soft spots.
Teenagers, watch out! Your lifestyle is being studied. Whether you are setting or following trends, marketers everywhere are eagerly watching you, ready to react. And preparing to sell you more, more, more.
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Text №2. Shop! Shop! Shop! (upper-intermediate)
Words for the text:
- household — домашний
- attitude — отношение
- unlike — в отличие
- therapy — терапия, лечение
- suicide — самоубийство
- to satisfy — удовлетворять
- contemporary — современный
- essence — суть
- duty — долг
Who does most of the shopping in your family? The answer will be women. It isn’t most certainly for household needs but it is an activity they do for pleasure.
The book «Theory of Shopping» written by Daniel Miller, a professor at University College, shows the differences between men’s and women’ attitude to shopping. Unlike men, for women, shopping is often a kind of therapy, a hobby.
But shopping has its darker sides as we learned this week with news of the suicides of two shopaholics. Trudi Susyn killed herself after she had been spending as much as £7,000 per week on clothes, shoes and beauty products. Masimi Dawson, a single mother, hanged herself after it was discovered that she had been stealing money at work to pay her shopping debts.
Do tragedies like these show that women are really crazy about material things? Miller believes that most women don’t shop to satisfy their own needs alone. He thinks that in our culture shopping is one of the main ways of expressing love. Women do most of the shopping for others.
In contemporary English families, love holds the whole thing together but it’s not talked about. Love is expressed by paying attention to what others want. If you buy your partner the thing he’s always wanted, or you buy your child healthy food, you show that you care about that person. This is the essence of contemporary love: understanding what the other person is about, doing things for them or buying things for them, not because it’s your duty but because you understand them.
Задание 1. Прочитайте текст и выберите ответ, который вам кажется наиболее верным.

Задание 2. Напишите конспект (summary) текста, подчеркивая положительные и отрицательные стороны шопинга. Используйте слова-связки.
Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы.
- Do you like shopping?
- Do you do shopping for pleasure or because of necessity?
- Why do most women do shopping, in your opinion?
- What is men’s attutide to shopping?
- Английские слова для изучения
- Английский язык самостоятельно на сайте EnglishInn.