Мы продолжаем изучать английскую часть речи — герундий и знакомиться с его формами. Если вы уже выполнили упражнения на герундий для начинающих, то можно идти дальше. Вспомним формы герундия.
В этом уроке мы будем разбираться с Perfect Gerund — HAVING WRITTEN и Passive Gerund — BEING WRITTEN.
Формы герундия и их использование в предложении
1. Present Gerund VS Perfect Gerund
- форма writing (present gerund) – переводится придаточным предложением в настоящем или будущем времени;
- форма having written (perfect gerund) — переводится придаточным предложением в прошедшем времени.
- She is thinking of writing a book. – Она думает о том, что напишет книгу.
- She is thinking of having written the book. – Она думает о том, что написала книгу.
- I remember meeting her. = I remember having met her. – Я помню, что встречал ее.
- After doing such hard work they decided to rest a little. = After having done such hard work for a long time they decided to rest. – Они решили немного отдохнуть после того как выполнили такую тяжелую работу.
Идем дальше и теперь выполняем упражнения на формы герундия в активном залоге — Present Gerund VS Perfect Gerund.
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Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения, содержащие Present Gerund и Perfect Gerund.
- They are tired of working so hard.
They are surprised at John’s having worked so slowly. - This actor is good at playing such parts.
The actor is proud of having played the part of Hamlet. - The producer was proud of the famous actor’s playing in his play.
The producer was proud of the actor’s having played in his play. - The passenger was suspected of travelling without a ticket.
The passenger was suspected of having travelled without a ticket. - The man is accused of stealing secret documents.
The man is accused of having stolen secret documents. - I remember meeting her somewhere.
I don’t remember ever having met her. - Excuse him for being so rude.
She couldn’t excuse him for having been so rude.
Мы немного потренировались в переводе с английского форм PRESENT и PERFECT gerund в сравнении. Далее переходим к сравнению ACTIVE GERUND и PASSIVE GERUND.
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2. Active Gerund VS Passive Gerund
Использование Passive Gerund в предложении аналогично использованию пассивного залога.
- After marking the students’ test papers, the teacher handed them back (active gerund). — Выставив отметки за контрольные, учитель раздал их студентам.
- After being marked, the test papers were handed back to the students (passive gerund). — После выставления отметок, контрольные были розданы студентам.
- After having been marked, the test papers were handed back to the students (passive perfect gerund). — Только после того как все отметки были выставлены, контрольные были розданы студентам (подчеркивается завершенность действия)
Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя герундий в активной или пассивной форме.
1. Why do you avoid (to speak) to me? 2. She tried to avoid (to speak) to. 3. The doctor insisted on (to send) the sick man to hospital. 4. The patient insisted on (to send) home at once. 5. Do you mind him (to examine) by a heart specialist? 6. He showed no sign of (to recognize) me. 7. She showed no sign of (to surprise). 8. He had a strange habit of (to interfere) in other people’s business. 9. I was angry at (to interrupt) every other moment. 10. He was very sorry for (to come) like this, without (to invite). 11. On (to allow) to leave the room, the children immediately ran out into the yard and began (to play). 12. The supper dishes want (to wash)1. 13. The results of the experiment must be checked and rechecked before (to publish). 14. David was tired of (to scold) all the time. 15. The watch needs (to repair)1. 16. The problem is not worth (to discuss)1.
ПРИМЕР. My car needs washing. — Машину нужно помыть (NOT being washed).
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3. Формы герундия. Упражнения
(частично взяты из пособия «Грамматика. Сборник упражнений. Ю. Голицынский)
Упражнение 3. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на герундий.
1.Father was afraid of waking the children. 2. They looked forward to coming holiday. 3. She was congratulated on having won the prize. 4. My friend was proud of having translated that difficult text. 5. She was suspected of telling a lie. 6. The old lady thanked the girl for having helped her. 7. He gave up the idea of ever visiting the USA. 8. We are looking forward to seeing you soon. 9. He has always dreamt of visiting other countries. 10. He persisted in trying to solve that difficult problem. 11. The cold weather prevented the girls from going for long walks. 12. The police accused him of having robbed the house. 13. He never approved of his wife drinking so much coffee. 14. The teacher doesn’t approve of his pupils dreaming at his lessons. 15. All the happiness of my life depends on your loving me. 16. I don’t feel like seeing him. 17. I insist on being told the truth. 18. I object to his borrowing money from you. 19. I stretched out my hand to prevent her from falling. 20. You must apologize to him for wasting his money.
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Упражнение 4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму герундия.
- commission — комиссия
- reproach — упрекать
1. The kitchen needs (to clean). 2. He seemed sorry for (to be) inattentive to his child. 3. She excused for (to forget) to send the letter. 4. The old man could not stand (to tell) what he should do. 5. The cat was afraid of (to punish) and hid itself under the sofa. 6. Going to the party was no use: he had no talent for (to dance). 7. The movie «The Sleepy Hollow» is worth (to see). 8. After (to examine) the student, the professor gave him a good mark. 9. After (to examine) by the examination commission, the student was given a good mark. 10. She accused him of (to steal) her purse. 11. She reproached me for (not to write) to her. 12. This job is not worth (to take). 13. These shoes need (to mend) at once.
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Упражнение 5. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму герундия.
1. After (to look) through the boy’s record book, father put it on the table. 2. After (to look) through, the record book was put on the table. 3. These clothes really want (to wash). 4. He is not used to (to speak) like that. 5. Excuse me for (to break) your beautiful vase. 6. She was proud of (to win) the cup. 7. I don’t remember (to ask) this question by anybody. 8. The cat was punished for (to eat) the fish from the table. 9. The girls were busy (to pack) when Sarah suddenly started (to feel) unwell 10. The little boy couldn’t help (to make) mistakes in class though he tried hard to avoid (to displease) the teacher. 11. I hadn’t informed aunt Lucy of my (to come), so that I might have the pleasure of (to take) her by surprise. I felt like (to cry) after (to receive) no welcome. 12. The girl was proud of (to choose) to represent the sportsmen of the school at the coming competition. She thanked her classmates for (to choose) her and promised to do her best to win.
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Упражнение 6. Замените выделенные части предложений герундиальными оборотами, употребляя, где необходимо, соответствующие предлоги.
1. Do you mind if I smoke here? 2.Will you object if I close the door? 3. Thank you that you did it. 4. My teacher insists that I should read aloud every day. 5. Will Mary have anything against it if I take her umbrella for some time? 6.I remember that I have seen this picture somewhere. 7. That you are against John’s proposal does not mean that I must decline it. 8. I am told that you are very busy. 9. Tom was afraid that he might be late.
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Упражнение 7. Замените придаточные предложения герундиальными оборотами, употребляя, где необходимо, соответствующие предлоги.
- Mary asked John to forgive her that she had not answered his letter sooner.
- After we had passed our exams, we had a very entertaining evening.
- They gave up the idea that they would find a good job.
- The girls were afraid that they might miss the train.
- I am thankful that I have been given chance to hear this outstanding singer.
- Helen insisted that she should be given the money.
- I don’t remember that I have ever seen anyone dance like her.
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Упражнение 8. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя герундий.
1. Я настаиваю на том, чтобы помочь ей. 2. Он отрицал, что разбил вазу. 3. Она боится потерять свои деньги. 4. Я не одобряю того, что вы тратите много времени понапрасну. 5. Мои соседи обдумывают о том, чтобы поехать на каникулы в Грецию, но они еще не решили. 6. Она простила его за то, что он долго не писал ей . 7. Перестань плакать. 8. Ее маленький брат не давал (мешал) ей делать уроки. 9. Вы не возражаете, если я приду немного попозже? 10. Папа не возражает против того, чтобы я шел с ней театр. 11. Я не могу не смеяться, когда смотрю на него. 12. Он с нетерпением ждет получения приглашения, чтобы получить визу в США. 13. Она продолжала принимать те же самые таблетки по совету врача. 14. Мы стараемся избегать в выходные дни ходить покупками. 15. Мы получаем удовольствие от прихода наших друзей. 16. Мне не хочется (я не расположен) сегодня писать это сочинение.
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Упражнение 9. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя герундий.
1. Мы оставили мысль о покупке новой мебели. 2. Она боялась, что ее накажут. 3. Я не отрицаю, что был там вчера. 4. Я одобряю ваше желание учить немецкий язык. 5. Вы не возражаете, если я пойду гулять? 6. Я не могу не бояться. 7. Они подозревают, что эта женщина врет. 8. Мама возражает против того, что я много играю в футбол. 9. Он упрекает (обвиняет) меня в том, что я ему не помог. 10. Она не могла не чувствовать, что он обманул ее. 11. Мальчикам в конце концов удалось разгадать загадку (тайну). 12. У меня так сильно болят зубы, что я больше не могу откладывать визит к зубному врачу. 13. Ничто не может помешать нам творить добро.