Одна из наиболее сложных и часто встречающихся тем на экзаменах ОГЭ и ЕГЭ — это тема «Проблемы экологии». Действительно, данная тема является одной из самых актуальных в настоящее время. Список слов ниже поможет вам быстро подготовиться к экзамену. Используйте их, чтобы составить свой небольшой монолог. Также неплохо было бы ознакомиться с темами «Географическое положение и природа России» (The Geographical position of Russia, its nature and climate) и «Географическое положение и природа Великобритании» (The Geographical Position of Great Britain, its nature and climate)
Список слов по теме «Nature and Ecology» для подготовки к ОГЭ / ЕГЭ
- еnvironmental (=ecological) problems — экологические проблемы
- different kinds of pollution — разные виды загрязнения
- land (air, water) pollution — загрязнение земли (воздуха, воды)
- industrial plants — промышленные предприятия (заводы)
- bad effect on the environment — плохое влияние на окружающую среду
- be caused by — вызывается
- destroy nature and the wildlife — уничтожать природу и животный мир
- natural resourses — природные ресурсы
- to threaten = to present a threat to — угрожать = представлять угрозу
- to protect nature — защищать природу
Примеры предложений со словами (выражениями) по теме «Nature and Ecology»
- There is a list of most common environmental problems.
- There are different kinds of pollution, such as land pollution, water pollution, air pollution. [2,3]
- The main cause of pollution is industrial plants.
- Cutting down forests and woods has a bad effect on our environment.
- Also air pollution is caused by car fumes.
- Sometimes for the sake of profit people of business destroy nature and the wildlife.
- People forget that natural resources are not endless.
- Nuclear power present a threat to our lives.
- To protect nature is to take care of future generations.
The ecological problems are not the problems of a single isolated country. They are global in character and involve all countries in the world. The ecological problems have much in common. The main problem is pollution.
Вопросы по теме «Ecological Problems»:
- How people can benefit from nature?
- What are the most dangerous ecological problems?
- What are advantages and disadvantages of the industrial progress?
- Do you think that life was better in the past when air was cleaner, water was purer?
- What may happen to our planet if people continue destroying it? (The ecological balance of our planet will be broken. It may happen that in future people will not be able to leave home without special masks and have to buy air to breathe.)
- What would you suggest to attract people’s attention to the problems of pollution and ecology?
Give a talk on the topic «Nature» according to the plan:
- What is nature like in Russia?
- How can people benefit from nature?
- What are the most dangerous ecological problems?
- Why do you think many people prefer to live in the country?
- What can people do to save nature?
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