The Role of Books in People’s Lives (some ideas for an essay or an oral topic)

Дорогие читатели! Книги — моя любимая тема, так как я обожаю классическую литературу и даже создала сайт —, где вы найдете все самые интересные произведения английских и американских писателей.

В небольшом сообщении ниже я изложила свои мысли по теме «Роль книг в жизни людей» — «The role of books in people’s lives». Это не эссе, и не готовый топик. Однако на основе его вы можете составить то, что вам нужно. У вас все получится!

 The Role of Books in People’s Lives (some ideas)

In the old days, the role of books in people’s lives was tremendous. The English say, “Wear an old coat but buy a new book”. Nowadays the role of books lessens as the television and the Internet devour almost all free time of an average person. Some people even predict the death of the book in future.

However, the book is still treasured by many people all over the world, which gives hope that the situation can be improved. The first fact that cheers book lovers that books are still published. More than that, now they are even more enjoyable, more pleasant to read. Their covers encourage us to open and start turning over their pages, which have beautiful illustrations and good paper. The print is readable and big enough. Indeed, the printed book is trying to compete with its electronic version, which has its own advantages, of course, such as compactness, cheap price and availability.

As for encyclopedias, reference books and dictionaries, they are sure to be replaced by electronic media. In our small flats we simple do not have place to keep a twenty volume encyclopedia when information can be retrieved immediately from the Internet.

To sum up, I would like to admit the negative effect, which television and the Internet have caused on the role of books in our life. Still I am sure that people will not be able to live without books, either printed or electronic. No doubt, they will take their special place in the hearts and the minds of our contemporaries.

Это письменное сообщение выглядит как эссе, но не является таковым, так как не совсем соответствует формату. Если вы пишите Opinion Essay, то начните второй абзац с фразы “To my mind/ In my opinion, etc” (вместо However). В третий абзац нужно добавить аргументы людей, которые считают, что в будущем книги будут совсем не нужны, начав его “However/ On the other hand, such books as…”. Также необходимо добавить больше аргументов и структурировать их.

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