Данный текст (топик) по теме «School» поможет вам вспомнить английские слова по теме «School» (полный список) и подготовиться к экзаменам по английскому языку в форме ОГЭ и ЕГЭ. Топик содержит краткую основную информацию и может быть использован как основа для монологического высказывания по теме «My School (топик)».
My School. Топик на английском языке
План монолога:
- General Description
- Attitude to school
- Teachers and Subjects
- Favourite Subjects
- Social Life
- Possible Changes
* * *
School. General Description
First of all, I’d like to say some words about my school. I have been a student of school № … for 11 years. It is a secondary comprehensive school, which is within a walking distance from my place. The five-storey school building is quite ordinary with a stadium behind it. It is surrounded by trees.
My Attitude to School
To my mind, school is an attractive place for students who do well in most subjects, for those who don’t it is boring and uninteresting. I can’t say that I like my school. In my opinion, the worst thing about school is homework. It took so much time that there was hardly any time for anything else. But I must admit that school gave me not only knowledge, but also true experience of a real life. It helped me to learn how to get on with other people and become successful in life.
Teachers and Subjects
Teachers play an important role in our education. I think that I am lucky because all my teachers were very experienced and encouraging. They supported us and took care of us.
I was a rather good student and did not have many problems at school. I tried to do my best and very often I had to sit up to write a composition, prepare a report, learn a poem. If I had had less homework, I would have had more time for my hobbies.
My Favourite Subjects
My favourite subjects were English and Maths. We had a very good Maths teacher, her name is… She was very motivating. When she became our teacher many of us got interested in the subject.
I also liked English. Our English teacher spoke English very fluently and always encouraged us to speak English at the lessons. We learnt a lot about English speaking countries. We watched films in the original and tried to understand native speakers.
Social Life
I spent much time after classes at school because our social life was very well-organized. We had different clubs. We often went to the museums and theatres. Also sport was played much attention at our school and it was very important for me as I was very good at sports and often took part at different sports competitions.
Possible Сhanges at School
- I wish we had no uniform.
- I wish we had a swimming pool at our school.
- I wish we could choose subjects.
- I wish the atmosphere at the lessons would be more relaxed, less stressful.
Данный текст (топик) дан для ознакомления. Составьте свое монологическое высказывание по теме «School», используя план:
- Your attitude to school. Ваше отношение к школе.
- Favourite subjects. Любимые предметы.
- Relations with classmates and teachers. Отношения с одноклассниками и учителями.