Изучите список английских слов по теме «Films» и вы сможете поделиться своими впечатлениями от просмотра фильма, а также рассказать о своем любимом фильме на английском языке. На картинках ниже вы найдете названия фильмов, снятые по мотивам известных произведений английских писателей. Это Wuthering Heights (Грозовой перевал), Tess of the d`Urbervilles (Тэсс из рода д`Эрбервиллей) и Great Expectations (Большие надежды). Вы сможете посмотреть в кинотеатре сайта englishstory.ru на английском языке. — Экранизации великих произведений.
Films. Список английских слов №3 (intermediate)
- actor/actress — актер/ актриса
- cast — подбор актеров, актерский состав
- acting — игра
- performance — исполнение
- leading role (part) — ведущая роль
- play the part of — играть роль
- the film is set — действие фидьма происходит
- the plot is based on the story — сюжет фильма основан на рассказе
- location — месторасположение
- scene — сцена
- special effects — спецэффекты
- stunts — трюки
- chase — погоня
- fights — драки
- costume — костюм
- storyline — cюжетная линия
- be on at the cinema — идти в кинотеатре «…»
- be a success/ a failure — иметь успех/провалиться
- film genre — жанр фильма
Film genres
Since the beginning of the 20th century cinematography has been developing very fast. It gave rise to a great number of film genres.
The main film genres are action-adventure films, comedies, gangster films, melodramas, historical, horror, musical, science fiction, war films and westerns.
Action films usually include high energy, big-budget physical stunts (трюковые киносъемки) and chases, possibly with battles and fights.
Adventure films are usually exciting stories with new experience or exotic countries.
Comedies are light- hearted and designed to amuse and provoke laughter.
Gangster films are developed around criminals like bank robbers.
Drama are serious stories with realistic characters and life situations. Usually they don’t have many special effects.
Sci-fi films are scientifically based but tell about imaginative heroes, aliens and distant planets.
Films. Упражнения для закрепления лексики
Упражнение 1. Вставьте в диалог подходящие слова: amazing, loved, true, brilliant, the point, fantastic, so, funny, part, scene, silly, special, favourite, clever, thought, quite.
Диалог. Выражение мнения о просмотренном фильме.
A: What did you think of the film?
B: I thought it was absolutely (1) ______.
A: It was (2) _____ funny, I suppose, but it was nothing (3) _______.
B: My (4) ______ character was the flatmate.
A: The dialogue was very (5) _______.
B: That’s (6) ______. But the plot was a bit (7) ______.
A: That’s not (8) ______. The situation was very (9) ______.
B: For me, Julia Roberts was absolutely (10) _______ in the film. She’s an (11) ______ actress, isn’t she?
A: But Hugh Grant always plays the same (18) _______.
B: Oh come on!
A: Well, I (13) ______ he was quite good in the interview scene.
B: So, what (14) _____ did you like best?
A: I really (15) _____ the dinner scene. It was (16) ____ funny.
1. absolutely — совершенно
2. not very – не очень
3. quite – довольно
4. very – очень
5. a bit – чуть
6. really – действительно
7. incredibly – невероятно
8. rather – довольно
Упражнение 2. Используйте фразы из диалога и слова из рамки и напишите 6 предложений и фильмах, актерах и сюжетах.
ПРИМЕР. To my mind, the plot of «Harry Potter» is absolutely fantastic.
Упражнение 3. Вспомните фильм, который недавно смотрели вместе с друзьями. Задайте им вопросы вопросы. Ответьте на них.
Упражнение 4. Развитие навыков разговорной речи (формирование реакции — переспрос).
- He liked the story. – Did he? (Ему понравился рассказ. – Понравился?)
- She didn’t like the film. – Didn’t she? (Ей не понравился фильм. – Не понравился?)
1) It was great film. ____________
2) The plot was complicated. _______________
3) All science fiction films have complicated plots. _______________
4) I liked the cast. _______________
5) They were brilliant. ________________
6) Orlando Bloom played a really difficult part. _________________
7) I liked any films with this actor. __________________
8) But the dialogues were silly. __________________
9) They are showing this film at the cinema this week. ___________________
10) I don’t like science fiction films. ___________________
11) But I have already bought tickets. ______________________
12) I can’t go with you. _______________________
Упражнение 5. Развитие навыков письменной речи — написание личного письма.
You have received a letter from your English pen friend Jane who writes:
… So you see that I enjoy films based on true historic facts.
What kinds of films do you like watching? Do you prefer watching films in the cinema or at home? Why? Do you agree that it is better to read a book before watching the film based on it? Why or why not?
I’ve just come back from a trip to Wales.
Write a letter to Jane. In your letter
1. answer her questions
2. ask 3 questions about her trip to Wales.
Write about 100—140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.