Weather. Диалоги и тексты на английском языке про погоду

В этом уроке вы найдете диалоги и тексты на английском языке про погоду :

  1. Диалог №1. I got caught in the rain. Я попал под дождь. (pre-intermediate)
  2. Диалог №2. Thunderstorm is coming. Приближается гроза. (intermediate)
  3. Текст №1. Talking about weather (intermediate)
  4. Текст №2. It looks like rain. Похоже на дождь. (pre-intermediate)
  5. Текст №3 How to predict the weather. Как предсказывать погоду. (intermediate)

Weather. Диалоги и тексты на английском языке про погоду

Погода  — особенно важная тема для разговора в Британии. Везде, кроме Британских островов,  разговор о погоде ведут, когда поговорить не о чем, но ТАМ это всегда интересная и волнующая тема! Поэтому, если едете в Англию, будьте готовы уметь поддержать разговор. Прочитайте и переведите тексты и диалоги про погоду! Предварительно рекомендуется изучить список английских слов №2 по теме «Weather» (уровень intermediate).

Грамматические конструкции для запоминания

Запомните английские грамматические конструкции, которые часто употребляются при разговоре о погоде:
1. be like — представлять из себя
2. be as cold as —  такой же холодный как
3. be not so warm as — не такой теплый как
4. It is going to … — Собирается …
5. It looks like … — Похоже на …
6. It is sure to … — Обязательно будет…

Переведите предложения с этими конструкциями:

1. be like – представлять из себя

What is winter like in Russia?
What is summer like in America?

2. be as + adjective + as ours – быть такой же, как

Winters in America are as cold as ours.

3. be not so + adjective + as yours – быть не такой как

Summers in America are not so cold as yours.

4. It is going to + verb – Собирается …

It is going to rain.

5. It looks like + noun – Похоже на ….

It looks like rain.

6. It is sure to + verb – Обязательно будет….

It is sure to rain.

7. Выражения с конструкцией there is/are в контексте темы «Погода»

  1. There is a + noun — … есть …
  2. There is no + noun — … нет…

There is a lot of snow everywhere.
There is no snow at all.
There is a lot of rain this autumn.
There is not a single cloud in the sky. ( Not a cloud in the sky.)
There are clouds in the sky.

Эти выражения встретятся вам в диалоге и текстах ниже.

Диалог №1. I got Caught in the Rain

  • get caught in the rain – попасть под дождь
  • Bad luck. – Не повезло.
  • It didn’t look like rain. — Не было похоже, что будет дождь.
  • It is sure to rain. – Обязательно пойдет дождь.

A. You got caught in the rain, didn’t you?
B. Just a little. The shower came on all of a sudden, but I was already near home.
A. It didn’t look like rain at all this morning, did it? But you never can tell…
B. I usually carry an umbrella all the time in season. But I forgot to take it this morning
A. Bad luck!
B. Yes. As they say, it’s sure to rain if you don’t take an umbrella.
A. That’s right.

Диалог №2. Thunderstorm

  • There’s a thunderstorm coming on. – Приближается гроза.
  • What a flash of lightning! – Какая вспышка молнии!
  • There’s a clap of thunder. – Вот и раскат грома.
  • A gust of wind – порыв ветра
  • What a shower! – Какой ливень!
  • It will lay the dust…- Он прибьет пыль…

A. Look at those clouds. How black they are! There’s a thunderstorm coming on. Aren’t you afraid?
B. Oh no! I like it. Oh, look, what a flash of lightning!
A. Yes, and there’s a clap of thunder. The first thunder this year.
B. Shall I turn off the TV?
A. What? The thunder is so loud, I can’t hear you.
B. I say, shall I turn off the TV? Mom says it’s better to turn it off during a thunderstorm.
A. Yes, do. And I’ll shut the window. A gust of wind may break the pane.
B. Oh, what a shower!
A. It’s good. It will lay the dust and revive the flowers in the garden.

Text №1. It Looks Like Rain (анекдот)

  • village inn — деревенская гостиница
  • war time — военное время

A man came into a little village inn and sat down at a table near the window. It was war time, and food was hard to get.

«We’ve got only soup today, sir,» said the waiter to the man.
«ОК, bring me a plate of soup,» said he.

The waiter nodded and left the room. Soon he came back with a plate of soup. He put it on the table before the man and looked through the window, «It looks like rain, sir,» said the waiter.

The waiter was thinking of the weather, but the man was thinking of the soup, which he had just tasted. «Well,» he said, «and it tastes like rain, too.»

Text №2. Talking about Weather

In Britain, it is considered rude to ask personal questions. At the same time silence is also rude. So the weather is a very convenient topic ‘to fill the gap‘ (заполнить паузу).
  • on the Continent [kontinant]  — везде, кроме Британских островов
  • should it hail and snow — пусть идет град или снег
  • uproot — вырывать с корнем
  • fair chance — прекрасный шанс
  • to pass as  — сойти за, прослыть
  • witty — остроумный
  • sharp intellect [ʃɑːp ‘intilekt] — высокий интеллект
  • keen observation [ˌɔbzə’veɪʃ(ə)n — потрясающая наблюдательность

This is the most important topic in the land. On the Continent, people usually say, ‘He is the type who would discuss the weather with,’ to describe someone who is very boring. In England, this is an ever-interesting, even thrilling topic, and you must be good at discussing the weather.

There is a very important rule: you must never contradict anybody when discussing the weather. Should it hail and snow, should hurricanes uproot the trees from the sides of the road, and should someone say to you: ‘Nice day, isn’t it?’ — answer without hesitation: ‘Isn’t it lovely?’

Phrases For Good Weather
‘Lovely day, isn’t it?’ ‘Isn’t it beautiful?’ ‘The sun…’ ‘Isn’t it gorgeous?’ ‘Wonderful, isn’t it?’ ‘It’s so nice and hot…’ ‘Personally, I think it’s so nice when it’s hot, isn’t it?’

Phrases For Bad Weather
‘Nasty day, isn’t it?’ ‘Isn’t it dreadful?’ ‘The rain… I hate rain…»I don’t like it at all. Do you?’
‘Just think — such a day in July. Rain in the morning, then a bit of sunshine, and then rain, rain, rain, all day long.’

Learn these phrases by heart. If you are a bit slow in picking things up, learn at least one conversation, it would do wonderfully for any occasion. If you do not say anything else for the rest of your life, just repeat this conversation, you still have a fair chance of passing as a witty man of sharp intellect, keen observation and extremely pleasant manners.

Text №3. How to Predict Weather

  • tip — подсказка
  • to predict — предсказать

Here are some tips for weather prediction.

Watch animals. They are very sensitive to atmospheric pressure and they are very good as weather predictors. For example, insect-eating birds usually fly higher in good weather, but they often fly lower if a storm is approaching.

Watch a fire. If fire smoke rises steadily, the weather is going to be fine. If it turns or comes closer to the ground, a storm or snow is approaching.

Watch nature. When wet weather is on the way, sounds are heard more clearly. The smell of flowers and other plants becomes more distinctive before the arrival of rain. A grey evening sky means that rain is going to happen.

Напоследок, запомните несколько выражений про погоду на английском языке:
1. It is not a good day to go out. — Сегодня лучше не выходить из дома.
2. It is not a good day for outing. — Сегодня лучше никуда ездить.
3. This heat gets on my nerves. — Эта жара действует мне на нервы.
4. It depends on the weather. — Смотря по погоде.
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