Фразовые глаголы Put, get, take, give, look, make, turn (повторение, intermediate)

Английские фразовые глаголы часто используются в разговорной речи и бытовой лексике. Проверьте себя, хорошо ли вы знаете английские фразовые глаголы put, get, take, give, look, make, turn, выполнив контрольные упражнения средней сложности. Эти значения надо знать обязательно.

Фразовые глаголы Put, Get, Take, Give, Look, Make, Turn (упражнения на повторение, intermediate)

Упражнение 1. Вставьте в предложение глаголы give, look (2), get (2), take (2), put (2), make.

  1. … up the words in the dictionary and remember how to write them.
  2. We all like to…together with our friends.
  3. Do you … on with your colleagues at work?
  4. The doctor told me to … up eating cakes.
  5. She said that I needed more exercise. I should … up jogging.
  6. It’s very hot here, but you soon learn to … up with it.
  7. Who is going to … after your cat while you are away?
  8. I can’t … out the meaning of the sentence.
  9. … off your shoes, they are quite wet.
  10. I … off our meeting until Pete had recovered.

* * *

Упражнение 2. Вставьте в предложение фразовые глаголы. 

  1. I need some exercise so I think I’ll take… dancing.
  2. Just stop talking and get….your work!
  3. Since the accident she has put……….a lot of pain.
  4. Let’s get … one evening next week and watch a DVD.
  5. We are looking … … see them again.
  6. Don’t give… . There is always a way out!
  7. The story is not real. He made it ….
  8. Turn … the page and do exercise 7.
  9. He took … his father: his hair, eyes and nose, even mouth were like his father’s.
  10. Take the cup … from the little girl, she’ll break it.

* * *

Упражнение 3. Вспомните фразовые  глаголы LOOK, TURN, GET и закончите предложения.

LOOK: after, up, through, for, forward, like

  1. He looked …. the meaning of the word in the dictionary.
  2. I haven’t seen her for ages. What does she look …?
  3. Father was sitting in the armchair, looking …… a magazine.
  4. When I am in the country, the lady who lives nest door looks ….. my two cats.
  5. Everybody usually looks … to the New Year.
  6. I am looking … my keys. Have you seen them?

TURN: up, on, off, out, over

  1. The boat struck the stone and turned….
  2. Don’t give way to despair, turn…. anew leaf in your life.
  3. In this book the mysterious stranger turns …. to be the long-lost son of the duke (герцог).
  4. Please, turn … the gas-fire before you leave.
  5. The wind turned my umbrella inside….
  6. He turned … when everybody was leaving the party.

GET: on, off, over, together

  1. He’s getting ……. very well in his new job.
  2. Get …….. with your work.
  3. He will soon get ……… his illness.
  4. I usually get ………. with my sister, we seldom quarrel.
  5. I must get … now. Will you let me pass?
  6. Let us get … on Friday and discuss all the details.

* * *

Упражнение 4. Замените смысловые глаголы на фразовые.

  1. Jack looks and behaves like his father.
  2. I know it’s difficult but don’t stop trying.
  3. She still hasn’t recovered from the shock of failing the exam.
  4. I’m late. We had an important meeting and I couldn’t leave.
  5. I can’t understand it.
  6. I have decided to start learning Chinese.

* * *

Упражнение 5. PUT. Глагол put может использоваться с разными частицами, совершенно меняющими его значение. Замените в тексте этот  глагол на глаголы из списка: write on the paper, do later, switch on, accept, have smth on, install, put into the place

“When I was your age,” said the old man, “I was very tidy and always put all my things away. I never put off my homework. I did it immediately after I came home from school. We were poor, that’s why I seldom put on the light in the room. At the lessons, I always put down everything the teacher told us. And, to be honest, I couldn’t put up with bad marks. I studied well and got on well with my classmates. When we had holidays, we got together, put on our tracksuits, took rucksacks and went camping. We usually put up a tent and spent a week or two in the wild.

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Упражнение 6 (повышенной сложности). Глагол get может использоваться с разными частицами, совершенно меняющими его значение. Замените в тексте этот глагол на глаголы из списка: be, have, earn, arrive at, rise, leave, agree with, find, meet, survive, return, depress, obtain, forget, become.

“When I was your age,” said the old man, “I only got thirty shillings a week. Life was much harder then. I had to get up at six and get to work by seven. We got no holidays and worked ten hours a day for six days a week. There was a lot of unemployment (безработица), too, and workers were often told to get out. I got dismissed (уволен) once because I didn’t get on with the boss, and it was several months before I got another job.

Then the First World War broke out. Well, of course, I joined up, but I was lucky and got through it without getting killed or wounded. When I got back after the war, unemployment got worse and it really got me down. I had just got to know a girl, but I didn’t even have enough money to marry her. I took me two years to get a good job. I’ve never really got over that period of frustration (крушение планов, надежд)

Вы повторили английские фразовые глаголы put, get, take, give, look, make, turn в из основных значениях. Этого достаточно, чтобы уверенно выполнять тесты уровня (intermediate). Однако фразовые глаголы put, get, take, give, look, make, turn имеют еще менее распространенные значения, которые мы будем проходить на уровне изучения английского языка advanced.

Еще читайте на эту тему:
 Фразовые глаголы (уровень advanced) СКОРО


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